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Middle East

Most relevant news about middle east
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BBC NEWS, one of most important information site where you can find updated news about Middle East situation.

Articles from The Indipendent' awards-winning Middle East correspondent

The Middle East Times is one of the region's most reputable news sites.

Al Bawaba is the largest independent content producer in the Middle East, and provides daily news feeds to the world's top international publishers, including Reuters, Financial Times, and Dow Jones.

An on-going compilation of electronic bibliographic resources and research materials on the Middle East and North Africa (in the broadest sense) available on the global Internet, created under the purview of the Middle East Studies Department of Columbia University Libraries. Electronic resources from the Middle East are organized by region, country and subject.
All materials are arranged to encourage an awareness of authorship, type of information, and subject. The scope of the collection is research-oriented, but it also provides access to other gopher and web sites with different or broader missions.

MERIP - Meaddle East Research and Information Project
Free, web-only news analysis and commentary in addition to the in-depth coverage found only in the print quarterly Middle East Report.


All Middle East news up-to-date each hour.

With correspondents and stringers across an area that stretches from East to West Asia, IPS's daily coverage includes the development and human challenges in the region and the impact of global and local trends on the lives, rights and livelihoods of people and communities.

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